Preparing to reopen
This will be a very busy week for us “behind the scenes”!
Whilst we have had nine weeks to prepare for the new normal of dentistry, “normal” hasn’t been defined until yesterday. It will be very different, certainly at first.
Of course, safety for patients and staff are central to the changes. We will be in touch with everyone individually to explain what changes are in place and what to expect at the time, in what we expect to be a continually evolving situation – there are a number of complex issues specific to dentistry.
We have not received any help in obtaining the vital, enhanced PPE required for certain procedures. So whilst the Government message (which we only heard via the BBC on Thursday!) is that dental practices will be open on 8th June, we will be open, but only able to offer a limited service at first. Initially we will be dealing with the most urgent of problems.
But don’t worry, nobody has been forgotten! We have a record of everyone who has contacted us or who has had an appointment postponed. There is no need to call us – we will be in touch as soon as we can, and we thank you for your patience in the meantime.
For the benefit of social distancing, we respectfully ask that you please do not come to the practice unless you have a specific appointment.
Most importantly, rest assured that when you do come to see us, and for whatever the procedure may be, it will be done in a very safe environment. The dental profession is expert at dealing with cross infection issues – we deal with it every minute of every day. We have just had to adapt further to deal with Covid-19.
We will endeavour to regularly update this information as soon as we have it.